6 Reasons Why You Aren’t Attracting the Right Social Media Followers

Sarah E Ashley
4 min readFeb 16, 2022
why you are not attracting the right social media followers

Learn why you are not gaining any followers and how to start attracting the right audience on social media.

You’ve been struggling to gain followers on social media. The likes are trickling in, but the people you’re attracting don’t fit your target audience or vibe. So, what’s wrong?

Well, there is always a reason why you aren’t gaining followers- sometimes many. But regardless of the issue, there’s always a solution.

Each heading below represents the potential problem. Read between the lines to learn how to fix it and start attracting the right audience on social media today.

Not Being True To Yourself

One of the likely reasons you aren’t gaining any followers is that you are not being true to yourself. There’s a lot of pressure to present yourself in certain ways on social media, and sometimes that equals presenting yourself in a way that isn’t genuine.

But to actually attract the right social media followers and grow your audience, authenticity is a MUST. People can feel disingenuity in your captions, posts, and how you act.

Being true to yourself = attracting your vibe tribe who will stick with you.



Sarah E Ashley

Simply speaking, I am a storyteller- an artist who paints images with words swept into creation by the power of a pen. www.saraheashley.com